Players may receive promotional Mail Codes for bonus rewards in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. If you receive a code and wish to redeem it through the Quidditch Mail Delivery Service, please follow the steps below:
- Launch Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions and press the [PLAY] button to login.
- Note: If you're launching the game for the first time, there will be some introductory cutscenes and tutorials you are invited to complete before you can proceed. Once these are completed or closed, you'll find yourself in the main menu.
- In the main menu, you'll see the Mail icon located in the top left corner of the screen. To open mail, press in the Left Stick on your controller (or the M key on PC keyboards).
- A menu for the Quidditch Mail Delivery service will appear. To redeem a code, enter the corresponding prompt for [Mail Code].
- For PS5®, PS4®, press the Triangle button on your wireless controller.
- For Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One, press the Y button on your controller.
- For Nintendo Switch, press the Y button on your Joy-Con™ or wireless controller.
- For PC, press the [S] key on your keyboard, or the relevant button if you are using a controller.
- Enter your code and select the corresponding prompt for [Redeem].
- For PS5®, PS4®, press the cross button on your wireless controller.
- For Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One, press the A button on your controller.
- For Nintendo Switch, press the B button on your Joy-Con™ or wireless controller.
- For PC, press the [enter] key on your keyboard, or the relevant button if you are using a controller.
If at first the reward you redeemed does not appear, please close or quit out of the Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions application. Launch the game fresh to see if your reward appears.
If you received an invalid code or need assistance from a Customer Service agent with your issue, please click here to submit a help request, and an agent will do their best to assist you.
Where Can I Equip Emblems or Cosmetics I Received From Mail Codes?
Learn more here: How Do I Customize My Characters in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions?
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