빌드 버전 – 1288479
개발자 노트 – 이 패치는 새로 릴리스된 PlayStation®5 Pro 시스템에서 실행되는 게임의 시각적인 부분과 모든 모드의 성능 향상과 최적화를 목표로 하고 있습니다.
- 모든 모드:
- PSSR 덕분에 기존의 PS5에 비해 모든 모드의 선명도가 향상되었습니다
- 성능 모드:
- 기존의 PS5에 비해 다이내믹 해상도 대상이 더 높아졌습니다
- 보기 거리 품질 증가
- 나뭇잎/바위/구조물 품질 향상
- Fidelity 모드:
- 기존의 PS5에 비해 다이내믹 해상도 대상이 더 높아졌습니다
- 레이트레이싱 + Fidelity:
- 기존의 PS5에 비해 다이내믹 해상도 대상이 더 높아졌습니다
- 게임 범위의 레이 트레이싱 반사가 더 선명해졌습니다
- 게임 속 전체적인 수역에 레이 트레이싱 반사가 활성화되었습니다
- 현실적인 레이 트레이싱 그림자가 활성화되었습니다
추가로, PlayStation®5와 PlayStation®5 Pro에 영향을 끼치는 150개 이상의 버그들을 수정하였습니다. 큰 영향을 끼쳤던 버그들은 아래와 같습니다:
- Overland/Hogwarts
- Fixed instance where invisible collision would prevent the player from moving around in the Hufflepuff bedroom area. HL-19816
- Fixed instance where a treasure chest would spawn at an inaccessible location before Charles Rookwood’s challenge Boss Battle. HL-19549
- Fixed instance where Multiple Fwoopers would spawn on top of each other, resulting in unintended behavior.
- Fixed instance where a pool of water could be seen floating above ground by the entrance of a treasure vault in the Northern Hogwarts region.
- Fixed instance where a seam would be visible on the Atrium Side of the Haunted Shop Dungeon.
- Fixed instance and removed a floating pile of books that could be found in the Dormitory area of the Gryffindor Common room.
- Fixed instance where a gap in geometry would cause light bleeding at the base of the pillars of the gate that leads to the Transfiguration Courtyard.
- Fixed instance where a seam would be visible along a column in the Slytherin Dungeon Hallway.
- Fixed instance where a seam would be visible along a column near the Male Slytherin Bathroom.
- Fixed instance where a seam would be visible on the building behind the West Hogsmeade Floo Flame.
- Stability
- Fixed instance where game would occasionally crash after completing an Ancient Magic Hotspot.
- UI
- Fixed instance where unintended pop-up would be displayed at the end of the game credits.
- Missions
- Fixed instance where buying a broom from Spintwitches would cause the ingredient collection tallies to reset. HL-18873
- Fixed instance where there would be chance of losing the Puzzle Cube when crossing the floor trap within a dungeon.
- Fixed instance where Fastidio would become invisible until he summoned his monster after reloading a previous checkpoint.
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