Versión de la build: 1218405
Notas del desarrollador: este parche desbloquea la misión de la Tienda encantada, previamente disponible solo en las plataformas de Sony, para todas las plataformas compatibles, así como todos los objetos y cosméticos previamente exclusivos, incluyendo:
- La montura de hipogrifo ónix
- La poción Felix Felicis
- El set cosmético del Comerciante
También incluye objetos cosméticos nunca antes vistos y una nueva escoba:
- La Lavanda boreal
- Equipo con tema de Azkaban
- Los lentes redondos con cinta
También se agregó un Modo foto para permitir a los jugadores capturar imágenes de su experiencia en Hogwarts Legacy y todos sus cosméticos recientemente desbloqueados. *El Modo foto estará disponible tras completar la misión para obtener acceso a la guía de campo.
Además, este parche proporciona a los jugadores la función de restablecimiento de puntos de talento para reconstruir a tu mago o bruja ideal sin tener que iniciar un nuevo juego. También se corrigieron varios errores (detalles a continuación).
Resumen de corrección de errores
- Se corrigieron múltiples cortes de audio, varios errores tipográficos y se implementaron grabaciones de voz localizadas actualizadas, con ajustes de a cuerdo a las prioridades de volumen de audio.
- Se corrigieron múltiples problemas de interfaz de usuario con la guía de campo y el menú de hechizos.
- Se corrigió el problema de los logros por el cual ciertas páginas voladoras de la guía y otros coleccionables no se tenían en cuenta en los contadores de los logros relativos.
- Se corrigió un caso en el que Lodgok ocasionalmente se quedaba atorado en Cabeza de Puerco, en Hogsmeade, y bloqueaba el progreso del jugador.
- Se corrigió un caso en el que las mariposas reaparecían y llevaban al jugador a un cofre ya recogido en el mapa.
- Se corrigieron varios problemas de navegación relacionados con la reaparición de las cerraduras alohomora y su interacción.
- Se corrigió un problema de combate que impedía que los asesinos seguidores infligieran daño al avatar.
- Se corrigieron algunos problemas de efectos visuales de iluminación.
- Se corrigió un problema de accesibilidad con una respuesta de entrada incorrecta en el modo para zurdos.
- Se actualizaron los créditos.
- Se actualizaron los SDK para PC, incluyendo Razer Chroma, y se limpiaron las mallas semitranslúcidas en la BVH para el trazado de rayos.
- Se detectaron y corrigieron muchos otros errores.
- Implemented several updated localized Voice Over retakes for Japanese and Spanish.
- Fixed the Brazilian Portuguese translation of “Silver Rim Spectacles”.
- Fixed a Typo in the “Wingardium Leviosa” French spell description.
- Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.
- Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.
- Fixed instance where the SFX/Dialogue Volume would become louder than the music Volume while using stereo devices and being set to 50%. HL-12010
- Fixed instance that made player unable to select field guide pages’ options when accessing the menu while holding down the basic spell cast button. HL-1052
- Fixed instance where loading a Manual Save or Fast traveling to certain locations would cause alohamora prompts to disappear from magical beast cages. HL-6258
- Fixed instance where Dark Arts spells would become not equippable after equipping regural spells in loadout 1. HL-720
- Fixed instance where the mission icon for the last arc of the Broom race would linger on screen after completion.
- Removed butterflies misleading players to previously opened treasure chests. HL-10269
- Fixed instance where an unbreakable giant pumpkin asset would make a treasure chest unobtainable in Feldcroft. HL-14175
- Fixed Instance where using the Swift talent on the edge of the map would cause mission progression to linger on the “Seach for the Rune Symbol” step. HL-15794
- Fixed instance where the Phoenix could spawn at a random location before reaching the nest at the end of the mission. HL-15723
- Fixed instance where the Fountain on Hogwarts grounds flying field guide page wouldn’t count towards the Map Counters or The Bell Tower Wing Sector. HL-2376
- Fixed instance where Lodgok would occasionally remain stuck inside the Hogshead in Hogsmeade instead of traveling to the Witch’s Tomb, preventing player progression. HL-15831
- Fixed instance where it wouldn’t be possible for the avatar to climb and reach a treasure chest in the High Keep. HL-15709
- Fixed instance where the Legendary Masquerade Masks would clip within the avatar’s face when equipped. HL-4453
- Fixed instance where swimming to treasure vault near Keenbridge would cause the avatar to fly into the air. HL-47
- Fixed instance where Professor Garlick and Professor Hecat could get stuck moving in the air after leaving the hospital. HL-16296
- Fixed instance where a loading screen would cause a cage door to lock up again without regenerating an alohamora lock on it in a bandit camp on the north end of the map. HL-16327
- Fixed instance where loading a save and fast travelling to any location would make alohomora locks disappear from fixed cages. HL-6258
- Fixed instance where bone clusters would lose collision and fall through the floor when interacted with.
- Fixed Instance where Loyalist assassin enemies’ attacks would not damage the avatar. HL-16614
- Fixed instance where blinding lighting VFX would display when exiting the Hallway castle vault.
- Fixed instance where light changes would be visible when the camera angle shifts while in conversation with Professor Garlick in the Greenhouse. HL-687
- Fixed instance where setting left handed mode while in the vivarium caused the avatar to drink a potion or deploy combat plants while attempting to access the beasts’ menu. HL-8911
- Updated Credits
- Audio
- Increased avatar dialogue volume during final fight.
- Localization
- Fixed instance where localized keyboard w/special characters would not display when naming Avatar and captured magical beasts. HL-334
- Added missing fire VFX to the fireplace located at Pitt-Upon-Ford.
- Overland
- Fixed instance where a moonstone node on the mountain side could not be reached or interacted with.
- Gameplay
- Fixed instance where choosing to try again after falling behind Professor Fig inside Gringotts Vault would cause the player to respawn OOW and block progression.
- SDK Updates/Platform support
- Razer Chroma SDK support
- Streamline 2.4
- DLSS 3.7
- FSR 2
- XeSS 1.3
- DualSense/DualShock Controller 1.5.0 for improved PC support
- UI
- Fixed instance where the Spell menu would become inaccessible after binding Spell Selection to the TAB key, preventing player progression. HL-16635
- Fixed instance where game would freeze whenever two HUDS would overlap.
- Fixed instance where the background of the menu would flash white when switching to a lower graphics preset.
- Lighting
- Fixed instance where moving the camera while on a specific Merlin Puzzle platform in Keenbridge would cause a strobe effect on the lighting.
- Fixed instance where ambient hues would change abruptly when moving the camera in Hogsmeade.
- Save data
- Fixed instance where reloading a manual save in the Defense against the Dark Arts dungeon after completing the first puzzle would cause the player to become stuck and block progression.
- Raytracing
- Cleaned up rogue semi-translucent meshes in BVH.
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