遊戲版本 – 1219317
開發者備註 – 此修補程式解鎖先前僅在 Sony 平台開放的「鬧鬼商店」任務,現已開放至 Switch,並包括所有先前專屬的物品和裝飾品,其中內含:
- 瑪瑙鷹馬坐騎。
- 福來福喜魔藥。
- 「店主」裝飾品套裝。
- 薰衣草北極星。
- 阿茲卡班主題裝備。
- 圓形膠帶眼鏡。
此外,此修補程式還會為玩家提供天賦點數重設功能。玩家無需重新開始遊戲,即可重新打造自己理想中的女巫/巫師。諸多 Bug 也已解決(詳情如下)。
Bug 修正摘要
- 已修正多個音訊中斷和幾處拼寫錯誤,並實作更新後的當地語系化語音,同時會根據情況調整音訊音量的優先順序。
- 已修正下載並安裝語言包時,會導致虛擬形象對話和相關字幕無法播放/顯示的情況。
- 已修正蝴蝶重生並引導玩家到地圖上某個已被領取的寶箱的情況。
- 已修正不可破壞的南瓜會阻礙打開費德羅特寶箱的情況。
- 已修正在擊敗所羅門·薩洛後立即儲存或離開遊戲時,所儲存的存檔可能會損毀的情況。
- 已修正羅德格克偶爾會卡在活米村的豬頭酒吧內,並阻礙玩家推進的情況。
- 已修正指向「莊園海岬」附近的秘庫入口位置的地圖圖示產生誤導的情況。
- 已更新製作人員名單。
- 已處理並修正多個其他 Bug。
- Implemented several updated localized Voice Over retakes for Japanese and Spanish.
- Fixed the Brazilian Portuguese translation of “Silver Rim Spectacles”.
- Fixed a Typo in the “Wingardium Leviosa” French spell description.
- Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.
- Fixed instance where downloading and applying the language packs would cause avatar dialogue not to play and relative subtitles to disappear. HL-15585
- Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.
- Removed butterflies misleading players to previously opened treasure chests.
- Fixed instance where an unbreakable giant pumpkin asset would make a treasure chest unobtainable in Feldcroft. HL-16507
- Fixed Instance that using the Swift talent on the edge of the map would cause mission progression to linger on the “Seach for the Rune Symbol” step. HL-15794
- Fixed instance where the Phoenix could spawn at a random location before reaching the nest at the end of the mission. HL-15723
- Fixed instance where using the waiting function would linger to either day or nighttime without any change. HL-12672
- Fixed instance where the gate to the final fight could be found closed, preventing player progression. HL-16511
- Fixed instance where Lodgok would occasionally remain stuck inside the Hogshead in Hogsmeade instead of traveling to the Witch’s Tomb, preventing player progression. HL-15831
- Fixed instance where it wouldn’t be possible for the avatar to climb and reach a treasure chest in the High Keep. HL-15709
- Fixed instance where the map icon leading to location of the entrance to the vault near Manor Cape would be misleading. HL-16639
- Updated Credits
Save Game
- Fixed instance where a save game would become corrupted when saving or leaving the title right after defeating Solomon Sallow. HL-16138
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